With COVID-19 and its variants still very much a real problem around the world, multinational companies need to keep adapting quickly to the ever-changing situation. And ensuring employees have the right benefits to look after themselves and their families is a significant part of that.
Even though many governments put in place some form of extra financial support due to the economic impact of COVID-19 on employees, in many cases that support is disappearing, putting an even great emphasis on employers to address any gaps and ensure their employees have financial security in uncertain times.
To finance these crucial benefits in the most efficient way, multinationals are looking at how a captive can help align their business strategies and transfer risks more efficiently.
Here’s a quick look at the agenda for the event.
Agenda (China standard time)- 15:00 – Welcome / 欢迎开场
- 15:05 – 2021 perspectives of captive programmes / 2021 自保模式的动态与趋势
- 15:30 – Employee benefits risks during and after the COVID-19 pandemic / 疫情期间及后疫情时代的员工福利所面临的风险
- 15:50 – How captives are being used to navigate risk and shape programmes in a fluid market / 观点分享-行业专家分析如何在此动态变化的市场利用自保模式管控风险及构建全球计划
- 16h15 – Closing / 结束
Juliet Kwek
Regional Director Asia Pacific
MAXIS Global Benefits Network
Vienna Zhang
Multinational Leader - China
MAXIS Global Benefits Network
Carrie Tang
Director CCMP
WTW China
Eduard Wu
Managing Director, Head of CCMP
WTW China
Shiwei Jin
Global Programs and Captives Director, APAC