Protecting intangible assets: Preparing for a new reality

Protecting intangible assets: Preparing for a new reality

How much do you know about your business’s reputation? The value of intangible assets, including intellectual property, human capital and reputation, has been steadily rising, accounting for as much as 85% of the total business value across industries today.

In collaboration with KPMG, Lloyd’s has released three reports on protecting intangible assets. The main report and its three subsequent ‘deep dives’ provide a comprehensive analysis of the main risks of intangible assets, and highlight the importance of – and methods for – monitoring and protecting their value over time.

Deep Dive 1 – Safeguarding intellectual property to enhance corporate value

Deep Dive 1 - Safeguarding intellectual property to enhance corporate value

This new Lloyd’s report, published in collaboration with KPMG, is the second report of the intangible asset series. It provides a deep dive into the subject of intellectual property identifying the key external and internal risks confronting this asset class.

The report provides a comprehensive analysis of 6 intellectual property assets, the risks associated with each one and actions organisations can take to protect against these risks that could be affecting their intellectual property value. The report sets out 4 actions risk owners and managers of organisations can take to enhance their risk management practices around intellectual property and to increase their preparedness for the everchanging risk landscape.

In collaboration with KPMG, Lloyd’s has released three reports on protecting intangible assets. The main report and its three subsequent ‘deep dives’ provide a comprehensive analysis of the main risks of intangible assets, and highlight the importance of – and methods for – monitoring and protecting their value over time.

Deep Dive 2 – Safeguarding reputation: Are you prepared to protect your reputation?

Deep Dive 2 - Safeguarding reputation: Are you prepared to protect your reputation?

In this report, we explore how organisations can keep their reputation safe throughout the reputation lifecycle – from proactively enhancing brands and preventing adverse events as part of business as usual activities, to building a ‘bank’ of positive sentiment, through to limiting the damage after an incident, and finally rebuilding reputation in the aftermath of the incident.

In collaboration with KPMG, Lloyd’s has released three reports on protecting intangible assets. The main report and its three subsequent ‘deep dives’ provide a comprehensive analysis of the main risks of intangible assets, and highlight the importance of – and methods for – monitoring and protecting their value over time.

Deep Dive 3 – Safeguarding Human Capital

Deep Dive 3: Safeguarding Human Capital

An organisation’s human capital – its people – is possibly its greatest asset. They drive value by producing goods, services, and ideas. Hence, protecting and enhancing the value of a company’s human capital is extremely important for any company.

Covid-19 has changed the dynamics of work for everyone, whether key workers on the front lines or office workers now working from home. A recent survey from UK mental health charity Mind has shown that these conditions are having a significant impact on employees’ mental health, with more than 60% saying it has gotten worse during the UK lockdowns.

We look at eight management levers that can increase or decrease the value of an organisations human capital and 3 potential risks of not using these levers correctly:

  • Employees leaving, taking with them their tacit knowledge and their networks.
  • Wellbeing and health, as drops in either can lead to poor moral and prevent employees from fulfilling their role.
  • Poor performance and business interruption if employees are not trained or upskilled sufficiently.

To help companies mitigate these risks there are multiple existing insurance solutions available in the market to help companies mitigate these risks, and product development in this space is ongoing.

With the breadth of expertise offered in the world’s largest insurance market, Lloyd’s is well placed to help companies protect their most important asset: their people.